9 622%
Organic Traffic Growth

Traffic increase
+ 9 622 %
83.48 %
Links build
Wasted time
35 months

Collaboration backstory and kick-off

Our partnership with the client in the Pet niche kicked off back in November 2020. Google rolled out an update about valuable content, and website owners had to adapt to the new rules, rewriting their strategies. But by that time, our client, Oleg, had been using this approach for several years. He writes product comparison articles for every combo, even if those keywords don’t have much search volume. It always helped him establish thematic authority. SEO has always been the backbone of his operation, although he also pulls in traffic from other sources. His experiments show that websites with mixed traffic from different platforms tend to rank better. When he reached out to the Shared.Domains team, he set the task of boosting traffic to his website by diversifying the sources of incoming links as much as possible. We got down to business, keeping our promises.

Our process

During our partnership, we’ve hooked Oleg up with a solid batch of links. We’ve got 97 homepage links, 7 article links, 9 homepage banners, 6 “best” articles, 81 banners for the “best” content, 1 informative article, 4 “review” banners, and 2 more informative banners. These links are in it for the long haul, sticking around for months to come. Google loves that, and Oleg saw his keywords popping up more often. How did we manage to do that? We take link-building seriously, restoring domains to their former glory and giving them a good 6-8 weeks to reindex and boost their link value. 


The outcomes didn’t take long to show up. The website saw a traffic boost of 59.9K (we’re checking it with Ahrefs). That’s exactly what the client was aiming for. Plus, because the traffic kept growing steadily and actively, he managed to sell the website for about $400,000.